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Site created using MKDocs with the Material for MKDocs theme.

Installation of Components Required to Edit the Site

Editing the Site

  • Create a Feature Branch in the repository.
  • Clone the repository to your local machine.
  • Open the root folder and one or more files.
  • A process showing a full, realtime site can be spawned by running the following command:

    mkdocs serve

  • Access the preview site on your local machine at
  • Check in the code changes to the remote repository.
  • Submit a Pull Request to have the Branch integrated into the main branch.

Publishing the Site

  • Clone/update the code from the repository to your local machine.
  • Create the files for the static site by running the following command:

    mkdocs build

  • This will create all the static files needed under the "site" directory.
  • Check in the changes to the site directory to the remote repository.
  • Code merged into the site driectory in the remote repository will be automatically published to Marks Nelson Project Design Site.
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